Analyzing my own music listening data with R and the tidyverse

All of my friends are posting their Spotify Wrapped, and I’m jealous.


December 1, 2022

Aside from exchanging playlists with my partner every once in a while, I’m not much of a Spotify user. Around this time every year, though, all of my friends start posting their Spotify Wrapped, and I get jealous.

I do get the Wrapped for Artists report from my high school band, and I’m pleased to report we had 13 total listens this year. Not quite the dopamine hit I’m looking for, though.

My preferred way of collecting music is via the Music app (formerly iTunes) on my computer. As in, .mp3s. I’m a simple feller.

I noticed at some point a while back that when you right click the top bar, a dropdown appears with all of the different variables that you can display on your app screen and sort by (most notably, play count):

A screenshot of an Apple menu containing many different variables collected about my music library’s metadata, including track title, number of plays, and cloud integration.

So, this information is somewhere.

You already know:


Finding and cleaning the data

Turns out, the Apple folks made tracking down “the data” pretty straightforward. Just click

Music app > File > Library > Export Library

A pop-up will appear that allows you to pick where to save the Library.xml file. I write “the data” in quotes because it’s an .xml file. Yikes.

A screenshot of an XML file containing the contents of my library. Pairs of ‘keys’ and ‘dictionaries’ are deeply nested inside of each other, containing metadata about all of the songs in my music library.

The nesting in this file is pretty gnarly, but the xml2 package provides some slick tools to read them into R and convert them to a list. Then, tibble::enframe() that list into a data frame, and tidy away. I won’t belabor that process here, but the source code for that tidying is available in an R package on my GitHub at You can install the package by running:


The wrap_library() function takes in the path to your Library.xml file, and the year of interest, and outputs a tidy data frame with your listening data. A la:

wrap_library("Library.xml", 2022L)

The source code is here, for those curious.

I also packaged up some example output of this function with the wrapped data frame loaded with the package. It contains my listening data from 2022, which is a bit borked. 1


## # A tibble: 594 × 8
##       id track_title         artist album genre date_added skip_count play_count
##    <int> <chr>               <chr>  <chr> <chr> <date>          <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 11452 Bag Of You          Mahal… Bag … R&B/… 2022-11-11          3        102
##  2 11040 The Internet        Viole… If I… Indi… 2022-08-04          2         87
##  3 11041 Settle              Viole… If I… Indi… 2022-08-04          2         87
##  4 11170 Half My Life        Viole… Lone… Pop   2022-09-08          4         80
##  5 11317 The Problem Song    Valley The … Indi… 2022-10-08         NA         79
##  6 10976 WASTE TIME          Gwen … PHASE R&B/… 2022-07-21          3         74
##  7 10899 Good Things         Ken Y… Ceru… Sing… 2022-06-04          1         61
##  8 11268 pennies (voice mem… Tiny … penn… Sing… 2022-10-01          1         51
##  9 11169 When I Come Home    Viole… Lone… Pop   2022-09-08          1         50
## 10 10907 Small Doses         Ken Y… Ceru… Sing… 2022-06-04         NA         49
## # … with 584 more rows

Note that the data are already arranged in descending order of play count. I found myself arrange()ing by desc(play_count) after every summary, so though I’d skip that step when I could.

For easier printing in this blog post, I’ll rearrange this data to show the most commonly noted output:

wrapped <- 
  wrapped %>%
  select(-id) %>%
  relocate(date_added, skip_count, .after = everything()) %>%
  relocate(play_count, .before = everything())

## # A tibble: 594 × 7
##    play_count track_title          artist      album genre date_added skip_count
##         <dbl> <chr>                <chr>       <chr> <chr> <date>          <dbl>
##  1        102 Bag Of You           Mahalia     Bag … R&B/… 2022-11-11          3
##  2         87 The Internet         Violet Ski… If I… Indi… 2022-08-04          2
##  3         87 Settle               Violet Ski… If I… Indi… 2022-08-04          2
##  4         80 Half My Life         Violet Ski… Lone… Pop   2022-09-08          4
##  5         79 The Problem Song     Valley      The … Indi… 2022-10-08         NA
##  6         74 WASTE TIME           Gwen Bunn   PHASE R&B/… 2022-07-21          3
##  7         61 Good Things          Ken Yates   Ceru… Sing… 2022-06-04          1
##  8         51 pennies (voice memo) Tiny Habits penn… Sing… 2022-10-01          1
##  9         50 When I Come Home     Violet Ski… Lone… Pop   2022-09-08          1
## 10         49 Small Doses          Ken Yates   Ceru… Sing… 2022-06-04         NA
## # … with 584 more rows

Analyzing it

Once the data is in a tidy format, a little bit of dplyr goes a long way.

The blessing of posting on my own platform, as well, is that I can annotate the results with fun commentary that no one cares about.

Top songs:

wrapped %>%
  select(track_title, artist, play_count) %>%
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##    track_title          artist       play_count
##    <chr>                <chr>             <dbl>
##  1 Bag Of You           Mahalia             102
##  2 The Internet         Violet Skies         87
##  3 Settle               Violet Skies         87
##  4 Half My Life         Violet Skies         80
##  5 The Problem Song     Valley               79
##  6 WASTE TIME           Gwen Bunn            74
##  7 Good Things          Ken Yates            61
##  8 pennies (voice memo) Tiny Habits          51
##  9 When I Come Home     Violet Skies         50
## 10 Small Doses          Ken Yates            49

I bought that Mahalia song probably three weeks ago. I recently went on a road trip that took about 40 hours of driving, and this song was repeated 5 times on a 40-song playlist that I spun most of the drive. Even then, I was surprised to see this up top.

And, yall! Violet Skies! She opened for another group that my partner and I saw recently, and I didn’t know who she was before that show, but wow.

Top artists:

wrapped %>%
  group_by(artist) %>%
  summarize(play_count = sum(play_count, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  arrange(desc(play_count)) %>%
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   artist       play_count
##   <chr>             <dbl>
## 1 Violet Skies        594
## 2 Ken Yates           326
## 3 Watchhouse          320
## 4 Gwen Bunn           269
## 5 JID                 177
## 6 Seaforth            174


Top genres:

One of my first steps after buying a new record is to edit it’s metadata to fit into one of a few pre-defined genres. Every categorization is likely a hot take, but it does make for a nice summary:

wrapped %>%
  group_by(genre) %>%
  summarize(play_count = sum(play_count, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  arrange(desc(play_count)) %>%
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   genre                  play_count
##   <chr>                       <dbl>
## 1 Singer-Songwriter/Folk       1714
## 2 Indie/Alternative             987
## 3 R&B/Soul                      805
## 4 Country                       547
## 5 Rap/Hip-Hop                   251
## 6 Pop                           222

Pickin’ and grinnin’.

It also looks like I’ve forgotten to re-genre some of those albums, resulting in a pretty steep play count dropoff after the first six.

wrapped %>%
  group_by(genre) %>%
  summarize(play_count = sum(play_count, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  arrange(desc(play_count)) %>%
## # A tibble: 4 × 2
##   genre       play_count
##   <chr>            <dbl>
## 1 R&B                109
## 2 Jazz                44
## 3 Blues               19
## 4 Hip-Hop/Rap         13

Top albums:

wrapped %>%
  group_by(album, artist) %>%
  summarize(play_count = sum(play_count, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "drop") %>%
  arrange(desc(play_count)) %>%
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   album              artist       play_count
##   <chr>              <chr>             <dbl>
## 1 If I Saw You Again Violet Skies        372
## 2 Watchhouse (Duo)   Watchhouse          320
## 3 Cerulean           Ken Yates           303
## 4 PHASE              Gwen Bunn           269
## 5 Lonely             Violet Skies        222
## 6 The Forever Story  JID                 177

I was surprised to see that Watchhouse only made two appearances in these results, but, I’ll take it. Grateful for all of these albums.

Bonus points

Unlike Spotify, I do not have graphic design chops to display my summaries with. As for UI, it may seem that all I have in my toolkit is a call to an HTML-pretty-printing library, and that’s true. I do have the raw data, though, so I may as well flex on being able to analyze this myself.

Hiding things

Just for funsies, I divided my play counts for songs of one genre by three (and took the floor() function on the output).

Any statisticians in the crowd? Scavenger hunt: which genre was that?

Most skipped

The Music app stores all sorts of things about what/how I listen to music, and one of them I thought would be interesting is my most skipped song.

wrapped %>%
  arrange(desc(skip_count)) %>%
  head() %>%
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   play_count track_title               artist      
##        <dbl> <chr>                     <chr>       
## 1         28 Jupiter                   Violet Skies
## 2         17 Over The Valley           Violet Skies
## 3         39 Best of the Broken Things Ken Yates   
## 4          6 Born On Valentine's Day   Violet Skies
## 5         80 Half My Life              Violet Skies
## 6         30 What I Get for Loving You Seaforth

From looking at these, I’m guessing the most prominent ones here are the songs I like least on the albums I like the most; if I shuffle the albums these songs are from, I can definitely imagine myself skipping several of these.

New music friday

One of my favorite Friday morning traditions is to take half an hour to try and track down any new music from my favorite artists. I often, though, don’t take the time to wake up before starting work and make that happen. I wondered how pronounced that effect would be in this data:

wrapped %>%
  mutate(weekday = wday(date_added, label = TRUE)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = weekday)) + 

A ggplot bar plot with weekdays on the x axis and count of imports on the y axis. Most days have around 50 songs imported, but both Friday and Saturday have a count of around 175.

Yeah!!! Looks like I decide to sleep in most Fridays, but do tend to get my redemption the day after.

Spotify abstainers rejoice

While putting together this post, I’ve developed an interest in finding a music listening app that surveils me even more closely. A listen-by-listen level of observation with this data would be so fun to play around with. Alas.

Thanks for dropping by. If you’re also an R and Music app user, give the {wrapped} package a go, and let me know if you share your analyses anywhere!


(1) I switched jobs in May, and migrated computers shortly after. I did so in a silly way, and lost all of the metadata for my music library. So, almost all of my songs say they were added to my library in mid-May. So, for simplicity, I’ve kept only songs that I’ve purchased since that date, and my listening statistics thus only account for the latter half of the year. So it goes—I’m excited for next year’s output!

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